Friday, February 8, 2008


So there's this thing going around my house. It's like a cold with a headache and a fever, LOTS and LOTS of sneezing. I counted six in a row for myself last time. Talk about aweful. I think I'm gonna skip school today, and I have to be feeling REALLY aweful for that. I almst passed out when brushing my hair this morning. And I could barely get pills down. I also got a tetnis shot yesterday as part of the physical I need to get my learner's permit, and my arm is now sore and a little purple.

Hopefully I'll feel better once the meds kick in, but as I'm feeling pessemistic today I sort of doubt it. My mom was helpful in bringing me a cup of water after I staggered back to my room from the bathroom. I'm very glad I didn't try to go down the steps. I would've fallen.

1 comment:

Nicky said...

that almost sounds like my house this past week. everyone but Robyn and my mom got sick. I got the cold saturday night and it didn't leave until wednesday afternoon. I still have the sore throat and the really bad cough but thats about it.