Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The First Entry

I've got a couple of friends who do blogging, and I guess I just felt inspired. That, or really REALLY bored.

Hi. My name's Jen. And that's all you're gonna learn about me.

But really. I've had the talk about not sharing information online so many times it's not even funny. So have my younger sisters. I guess it's all sort of redundant to me now... I met my boyfriend online. I roleplay and I met him several years ago on a little site called Neopets. We ran into eachother on the forums several times, then started private messaging eachother, and then finally we started going out. Though 'going out' isn't the most accurate description of what it is we do.

Needless to say he and I are very commited to eachother, and we've been going out for a little over two years now. We've seen eachother 4 weeks out of that 104. We live very far apart. Until recently we had to suffice with just emails and such, but my parents caved and let me get MSN. Now we can use webcams and have nice long calls through the internet that don't cost us a mint a minute. Life is easier.

I really don't expect anyone to read this. In fact, I expect I'll drop it after two weeks or so. But, while it lasts, this could probably be... I dunno. a learning experience or something. It's gotta be a good thing to write down your thoughts and stuff, right?

Along with everything else. Since I roleplay I tend to like writing stories and things. I suck at plots, but my descriptions are very good according to the few people I've shown my work to. Maybe I'll post one here eventually. Probably not.

A quick shout out to my buds from co-op Jake and Hana, because they'll probably get one heck of a kick out of being mentioned. Jake will anyway I think. And another shout out to the people who make youth group pleasent for me, Ashley and, uh...

*dramatic pause*

Just Ashley actually. I'm Christian and I'll admit that my views of our church's youth group can be less than flattering. I don't tend to get along with people my age that well, they have to be older... Hence why I like Ashley so much. And why my boyfriend is 2.5 years older than me. >_>

So there's a quick snapshot of what's important to me. I seem really shallow now.... Boyfriend and friends with a somewhat scathing review on youth group. Now I feel the need to defend myself. Urk.

1 comment:

Nicky said...

Jen, I like your blog. I hope you keep it up as long as posible. And I do admit I love writing what I think and how I feel out on my blog. If I don't I usualy feel like I am going to explode.
