Sunday, February 10, 2008

Learner's Permit

So I finally snagged one. I felt so crappy that day and just couldn't get hydrated through like, the whole thing. But oh well. I got a couple of new books.

Haven't gone driving yet though. Learning in our automatic, figure it's better for general driving skills than the stick shift....

I'm feeling a load better but still have some residual symptoms of the cold. And I think I've got pink eye, though that has yet to be confirmed. Though the wikipedia article seems to confirm it... At least now I know why my contacts felt so bad. I'm in glasses now, and my bangs never dry properly when I wear them! They always hang over the wire and look all goofy. Oh well.

Think I'm gonna do the laundrey today for my mom. She usually goes out on sunday afternoons to relax so I figured I'd get something that needs done done. I do sort of want to just sit back and roleplay with the boyfriend though. Oh well. I'm not feeling particularly creative and haven't since I got the cold. Poor guy. It's one thing when both of us feel like crap and don't want to at the same time, but another when one of us has a new character they want to use and the other is like, making two sentance posts.

I'm pretty literate when I want to be. 4 paragraphs if the roleplay is good, 2 on average. 1 with someone I know very well and won't care. Me and the boyfriend put forth effort for a good roleplay when we want to. And sometimes there are even characters we use that genuinly merit a 3 page introduction. *coughShadarandRiadcough*

Well that's it for now I guess.

Currently reading: Soul Music (Terry Prachett)
Reading Next: Mistborn (Brandon Sanderson)
Listening To: Apathetic (Relient K)
Health: Better...
Mood: Eager to get back to normal life and looking forward to co-op

1 comment:

Nicky said...

Its a good thing your feeling better.