Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oh come on.

You know, teachers are so biased against cyber charter schools that it's not even funny, and it really makes me mad.

So one of our youth leaders is a teacher, and about half of the youth group are either homeschooled or cyber charter schooled.

I was talking to a friend about how thanks to a new law, my school was no longer allowed to offer an early college program. BULLSHIT! But that's another story.

So, the youth leader (math teacher) was kind of listening in and he remarked a little out of the blue that sometimes he'd like to take his students and beat their heads against a wall because they don't understand what he's talking about. I sort of laughed and said he wouldn't have to do that to me, that I'd be one of the good students, and he just sort of snorted.

"I'll be the judge of that for myself," he said.

Good LORD. Have I ever displayed such a level of stupidity before to him that he decides to be insulting to me about my intelligence? He thinks that cyber charter schoolers are behind in math, though I don't know WHERE he gets his information from. I am in Algebra 2 and am a sophmore. I COULD be taking calculus if I were in a different school, but mine is just a public school education basically. The only reason we were there was because of the early college program, which has now been axed. We're moving on to something better.

Like I said, it's not like I've ever displayed stupidity in math to him so I don't know where he's basing this low opinion of me on. Do NOT insult my lifestyle based on your own personal BIAS!

People are not homeschooled or cyber charter schooled because they're rebellious nonconformists who just want to go against the flow. No, in fact, I was in public school until 5th grade, and based on lots of research my parents pulled me out. I was one of the SMART kids (take that, unnamed-for-a-reason youth leader!) and I'd get my worksheet, do it in ten minutes, and then be sitting there for the next 20-30 twiddling my thumbs. It was boring, I was sick of the wasted time, and now I have the option to finish school before noon, which I do almost every single day.

And it's not like I don't have real live teachers either; no, I can go to a virtual class where I can hear the teacher's voice, watch her write problems, solve them myself, and ask questions if I need to. Not that I ever do.

I am not an idiot.

Another reason that my parents pulled me out of public school was that mine closed. I was going to have to go on a 45 minute bus ride because we live out in the middle of nowhere. We'd be the first ones on and the last ones off every day, and both of my little sisters were FAR too young for that sort of thing. 1st and 2nd grade at the time I believe. I mean, I had issues with people on the 5 minute bus ride to school! There was one boy in particular who would not leave my sister and I alone until my mom sent him a note. I can only imagine what hell would have transpired on a 45 minute ride. I cannot protect both of my sisters in a bus full of boys older and larger than myself.

So, oh anonymous youth leader, I have basically lost all respect for you and you're about half the reason that I don't go to youth group anymore. I know I'll get into fights with you and I think I can spare the rest of the youth group that.

And this wasn't the first time he's made these comments either. Thus, I avoid most youth events like the plague. It feels far too awkward being there when there's all this tension just under the surface. The sad thing is, the youth leader is a fairly nice guy in general, he just doesn't seem to like a lot of the kids...


Nicky said...

I know what you mean about him. He thinks he knows everything and thinks hes all that in every sport too. Now don't get hurt by his statements and what he says, He sometimes talk through both sides of his mouth. I think you should come back to youth and just not talk to him or even look at him. Maybe you should giv ehim the silent treatment and if you come and want to do that I will do it with you.

Jen said...

LOL I can hardly imagine you giving anyone the silent treatment. :P I dunno, I come to youth group when I feel like I need Christian company and stuff. I've sort of tried ignoring Kelly but she tries so hard to NOT make me ignore her, it's sort of funny. xD I run into her in the bathroom or something and she hugs me as I walk past or something.