Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cancelled again

Co-op got cancelled again. Urk. I'm getting a little sick of this.

Anyway, I figured I had better make a post, and it's a holiday anyway. Gives me a half decent excuse, and I do mean half decent. It's Valentine's day everybody, go kiss a baby!

Maybe not. I.... Can honestly say that I do not care one whit about this holiday. If you need a reason to tell someone you love them or give them a gift I think you've got issues. But it is nice to be on the receiving end. :P I already know what the boyfriend is getting me, thanks to some educated guessology and, well, basically /asking/. He gets me jewelry from Alchemy Gothic, a gothy pewter company sort of thing from the UK. Since he lives in Scotland, he has acess to this stuff. It. Is. Not. Fair.

I'm definately not goth by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like jewelry with bats and spiders and stuff. And pewter doesn't tarnish, so it's all good. He's threatened to buy me a gothy shirt once, the boyfriend I mean. I think he is INSANE. I look aweful in black. >_>;; I'm more angelic than that.

*hears a myriad of sniggering from various friends*

Yes, well, I'm in a transitional stage. Gimme a break.

So I seem to talk about Mike (boyfriend) a lot. It's safe to say that quite a bit of my life circles around him and vice versa. I mean, school's involved in there too for the both of us, but school isn't fun, you know? It's just something that's not unique, everyone has to go or do it to some extent. It's not special. Mike is. :P

I realize that it must be increadinbly awkward for anybody reading this, because they probably couldn't care less about my relationships. xD But this is a nice place to rant and talk and basically ramble, so nyeh. They can deal.

In other news, I'm advancing through my Sryth game quite nicely now. I can kill things, go me! I like browser based fantasy games, because I don't have to download anything nd feel all commited. I can quit these any time I like and no one's going to whine at me if I do, because they're not interractive. I used to play Maplestory, but eh, I'm not sure what happened there. I just hit a spot where my characters weren't leveling very quickly and got sort of bored. I might start it up again, but right now we don't have a machine that's overly capable of handling it without sounding like it's about to take off, know what I mean?

But anyway, don't play Sryth if you internet isn't less than high speed. Lots of refreshing.

Currently Reading: . . . Some Terry Prachett book. I forget which one. They're all beginning to blend together.... I lied about Mistborn. It's still on the to do list.
Listening To: Anything I can get my hands on. Right now I'm not picky.
Health: Improving
Mood: Creative, excited, impatient
Watching: Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations


Nicky said...

Hey how was No Reservations. I want to see that one some day.

Jen said...

No Reservations is GREAT. I LOVE that show. Bourdain is very amusing. :) Sometimes he curses too much and stuff like that though, but the food on that show looks reallyg ood. Like, no matter what.