Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Why Do People Always Ruin These Things?

My gosh, I was reading a perfectly fine internet novel when all of a sudden one of the characters turns into a lesbian. Not like she'd been hiding it, but all of a sudden, BAM, there she goes and she's off snogging with another woman. Come ON! Why do people have to ruin perfectly good stories with crap like that? It was a GOOD novel for heaven's sake! It had a unique take on magic and creatures and all of a sudden there she goes, the main character's lesbo.

The same thing goes for all those fanfictions that make the two most cherished male characters gay. I mean, what the HELL is with all this Remus/Sirius stuff in the Harry Potter things? COME ONE! Harry/Dumbledore? Don't make me sick. You have no right to go off and screw around with the characters' personalities. It just seems like everything you stumble across on the internet now involves homosexuality on a ridiculous level, like the webcomics Misfile and Cutewendy. Both perfectly fine, especially Misfile, but then off the author goes. What is with this FETISH the world has with homosexuals?

This stuff goes for roleplaying too. Yaoi is gay and Yuri is lesbian, and it's VERY hard to find a person that's not totally turned on by slutty lesbian sex. There is SOMETHING wrong with this picture!


Nicky said...

I know what you mean. My mom and dad were watching "Nightrider" and the for scene with the main girl was her with another woman. I was not happy and neither was my dad.

And in practice things just didn't go as well as we all hoped. I would sudjest that you read my blog titled "HARD human video practice" for the full story.

Jen said...

For some freaky reason I can't view your blog. :/ Obnoxious.