Thursday, March 6, 2008

So yeah.

One of Mike's grandpas died a couple of days ago.

I think the sentance in my head and realize how increadibly impersonal it sounds. "He died."

The person didn't DO anything, they STOPPED doing something. It seems almost ludicrous to announce the fact in a sentance as simplistic and, I don't know, three year old as 'he died'. Anyone can say it and it's very hard to mean it, to get across the much more morbid connotation.

So for lack of a better, more emotional, more meaningful way of saying it, here goes.

"Mike's grandpa died of pneumonia."

Aaaand I cried. Like, a lot. Not hysterically, I just couldn't stop the tears. I've been so lonely these last few days that when Mike got back on and said his grandpa died it sort of put the acid flavored icing on the whole Fear Factor worthy cake. I've been sort of holding back tears since Friday I guess, and part of it was all just PMS. Thank goodness that's over with, the cramps pale in comparison. There's painkillers for those.

Like I said, I've been really lonely lately. Mike hasn't been on a ton because he had a new video game, then he was traveling to college and wasn't on at all for the couple of days he was there, and now he's back and gone again visiting relatives because of the death. It's just... Usually there's SOMEONE on the internet that I can chat with, but lately there's been NO ONE. It's entirely different when you're bored and want to talk and you just can't to when there's a bunch of people on and you just want to write a story on your own or something. So yeah, I've been depressed and my mom has bought me all sorts of stuff to make me feel better. Most of it's food.

When I get bored and lonely I eat like a pig, just for something to concentrate on.

So yeah, she bought me Nutella and avocados. Guacamole here I come! That's gonna be my lunch as soon as they ripen. Now that Mike's at least back at home I'm feeling better, I had my nice long cry when he told me his grandpa died. At the time I didn't know why, but since then I've decided it's because that's just another part of his life that I'll have never participated in. Another person who's known him but hasn't known me, a pretty big part of his life. The same will go for my own grandparents eventually, I think. I doubt their health'll permit them ever meeting Mike, not that they would approve anyway.

So now I'm just sort of on the mend, PMS finally being over and Mike finally being back. Now I have someone to chat with and stuff.


Nicky said...

Tell Mike I am so sorry for the lost of his grandpa. I wish no one would have to deal with death. Did it say why you were not allowed to veiw my blog?

Jen said...

I will

And it just doesn't show up, it gives me a 404 message and it doesn't show up as a link on your profile. :/

Nicky said...

Well her I'll give it to you again.

I'll also see if I have it on some crazy setting that won't let you see it.

Jen said...

YESSSSSSSSSSS, finally get to see it again! The link still doesn't show up on your profile like it should, but at least now I have a backdoor. xD

Nicky said...

Hey I got a link to the human video on my blog.