Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Plans for the Future.

Right, so me and Mike had a conversation on what we were going to do later in life.

I plan on being a psychologist counselor, he wants to be an author. He doesn't want me to be the primary breadwinner but I think he's sort of being sill when it comes to that sort of thing. xD He'd make a great stay at home dad, he's very nurturing.

Anyway, he's turning 19 when he's in America this year. When he turns 20 he wants to propose. O_O That is so SCARY to me. Not only will he be in his third decade of life, but I'll only be in my second and still in high school. Plus... There's not even really a guarantee that he'll be coming the year after this. It's an increadibly depressing thought, but... I dunno. Maybe I'm just making stuff up about him not being able to come. But in my mind next year I'm gonna have a summer job, and he'll be in Univeristy... It might not work out financially for him or timewise for me.

On to more pleasent subjects. Once we're happily married and living goodness only knows where, we want to have cats and a dog. One of the cats will be black and white and named Farethia, and one will be a siamese male and will be named Marvael. They're two characters of ours who really suit kitties. :P Mike wants to have a cocker spaniel because his family has two, and he likes them. I sort of want a pug, they're just so ugly it's cute! But the pets are negotiable.

We want to have two kids once we're totally awesome and can provide for them. :P And I'm like, 'Okay!'

So yeah. That's the plan. Mike wants to have the wedding in Scotland because he wants to wear a kilt for it and he'd feel awkward doing that in America. Besides, more of his family are likely to want to come to the wedding than mine. It's such a pity, there's going to be an enormous expense on one side or the other...

So yes. After all the awkward time of me being 17 and him being 20, then me being 18 and him being 20, then me being 18 and him being 21, and so on and so forth... By the time I'm 22 and he's 25 or something like that I thing I'll finally stop cringing about how far apart we are in age.


Nicky said...

Thats sounds like a great plan. And I think you should have your wedding here and there, so everyone will be able to go to your wedding. Thats just a sudjestion. I'm glad that you are think of the money now at not when its to late.

Jen said...

Heh, yeah, money's a huge issue. >_>