Monday, April 7, 2008

Girls of Purpose

Well this year it was pretty fulfilling, I got to connect a lot better with some of the girls so that was great. I love Sara, she's so... I dunno, she's Christian but she says a lot of seccular things just in joking, like she can't help herself. xD It's really funny.

'It's like a little flu condom!'

That was my absolute favorite. She had the flu and was on meds to stop it from reproducing. She says things that I'd say just spur of the moment without being able to help myself. xD And she told me my eyes were like melted chocolate. >_> I was all like, 'Aawwww!'

So anyway, I was on the verge of tears through a lot of the thing 'cause I wanted to get married so bad, the speakers weren't even really touching on relationships with guys, just with friends in general. At one point God told me that I could just start practicing being a wife at home, like taking on larger portions of the chores and whatnot. It's a good idea. And I want to start filling my hope chest with things for when I finally am married.

Are those not the most gorgeous plates ever? xD I figure I'd better start now while money comes free in the form of allowence and birthdays and such. As opposed to like, when I've got the new expense of paying for an apartment or something. Thankfully my parents are willing to pay for some of my college and whatnot, and my grandma's given them money for it as well. So that's one expense I won't have entirely on my own plate. (Get it? Plate? Hahahaha.... ha....)

So it's all good. Got my braces adjusted today, and got rid of the day glow green bands. Now I've got nice perriwinkle blue ones that still stand out, and are kinda pretty. I'm not gonna have the braces of fby the time Mike's here I don't think, but at least my orthadontist is doing things right.

*pauses* He's kinda intimidating. He's really quiet and has sort of a funny sense of humor that you have to really be on your toes to respond to. But he seems to like doing what he's doing and there's a lot to be said for that.

1 comment:

Nicky said...

I really like those plates. They fit you. I'm glad you had a great time.